why i almost became homeless

as a 19 yr old entrepreneur in Australia.

What sounds insane, was insane.

I remember it like it was yesterday when my Australian Sales Coach Peter Slamkas looked at me during training and said:

“Why the hell are you SO OBSESSED with getting your sales script right IMMEDIATELY? I can’t let you close deals right away like this. You are German and even our native speakers need time to land this script.“

What he didn’t know was, that I was 1 week away from becoming homeless.

Being Broke.

As I was staring at the ceiling of a Boing 737, flying from Germany Berlin towards Sydney, I wondered how my experience would be as an 18-year-old, trying to become an entrepreneur in a foreign country

I expected a lot.

But I didn’t expect to meet my mentor, isolate myself in Malaysia, hunt a thief on Bali & eventually look at 320€ left in my bank account, realizing, that the cheapest flight back home to Germany cost me 360€.

I couldn’t even fly back to my family if I wanted to.

And there was no way on Earth I would ask my parents to pay me a flight back to Germany.

That would have been more painful, than sharing a $2 Sandwich with the nearest homeless guy

The funniest part?

At that point, I had a combined Following on Instagram of 600.000+ Followers.

But I wanted to be a REAL entrepreneur before selling ANY products on my Brand.

I knew, staying patient to build a business would enable me to later sell 10/10 coachings & courses but at that point, I would have scammed my followers from top to bottom. (and ruined my reputation)

Today I know, that my Personal Brand would have gotten me 10/10 Jobs as a social media manager, videographer & video editor, paying me from $60-$90 an hour.

Today I know, that my Personal Brand would have gotten me clients for my agency easily through outbound DMs/inbound methods.

Today I know, that my Brands @WeAre.Stoa & @Tolu.naay are assets more valuable than any share of a company I could have.

It is literally a magnet for anything you want for your business,

Clients, customers, a mentor, partners, the right circle, network and much more.

So what really happened?

I MURDERED that Sales Script, to compete with these native speakers.

I landed the whole script the next day with 8/10 points in every aspect.

I woke up every morning to go to that sales job, thinking

“Who the F- do I need to st€b today to get my lunch money?“

until I got paid my first weekly payment,

I booked a flight

I Left Australia

I Landed in Germany

I Surprised my family

I scaled the agency from 0 to $5.000 in profit in 2 months,

I then Repurposed it to a Personal Branding Agency

And now we’re here, on the grind.
