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- This is how you become successful if you're young.
This is how you become successful if you're young.
No it's not dropshipping.
I remember it like it was yesterday, when I looked at my stripe balance and saw the first $1.000 week, I’ve had.
I used to imagine that situation over and over again before that.
I thought, when I would see that number, I would literally freak out.
But when imagination became a reality, I looked at that stripe balance and thought:
“Huh, how do I make 2k now?“
That was it. I didn’t text my friends, I didn’t text my family.
I just enjoyed it. I didn’t give a fuck.
And you won’t either.
There’s this phenomenon, that millionaires rarely even care when they make their first million.
That feeling of joy passes within hours. It feels like you made that million already MONTHS before actually making it in reality.
Because in order to make that million, you need to become that man or woman, that deserves to make a million.
You need to become a millionaire before actually having a million dollars in your bank.
Same was with me. I didn’t make a million.
But in my mind, I was ready to make that money already.
It was just a matter of time.
The same will be with you.
Become the man, who deserves success.
Slow success builds character and fast success builds ego. So don’t pray for it to come quick, instead pray that you have the wisdom to make it stick.
Enough about what you shouldn’t do.
Let’s talk about what you should do.
How do you become successful?
Become the man, who deserves success.
There are multiple aspects in which you should improve to become the man, who deserves success.
Take action,
What goes under Habits?
Go to the gym
Improve your diet
Sleep long and well
Stop scrolling through IG
Cut unnecessary stuff out, that harms you (Alcohol, social media etc.)
Build new habits, that do you good.
At the end of the day, you don’t want to be that creepy old fat guy, who bought a table at the club for $25.000 but looks and acts like a fkin potato.
You’re a marathon runner, who wants to enjoy the journey for years cause remember: “Slow success builds character and fast success builds ego.“
Going To The Gym will teach you to do shit, you don’t wanna do and give you a lot of confidence.
If you look in the mirror and see a fucking six-pack, wide shoulders and a chest bigger than your gym Crush’s, you will feel like you can reach ANYTHING.
If you eat shit and watch shit all day, you’ll feel that way too.
No wonder you have no motivation to do better then. You treat yourself like crap.
Your habits will either make room to improve and give yourself the energy to take action, or…
waste your whole time and kill your energy to actually take action.
What goes under Skills?
It’s pretty self-explanatory, isn’t it?
Learn more. Outside of school.
Invest in books or courses about:
Social skills
If you’re struggling with which books to buy, I recommend:
Think And Grow Rich
The Alchemist
Atomic Habits
Rich Dad Poor Dad
How to make friends and influence people
48 laws of power
Now if you wanna start taking action, there is no shame in looking for help.
If you work a job next to school, you’ll be able to join a paid community or buy a course, which will teach you what to do step-by-step
Just do me a favor and do you research about what you’re buying before you invest $3.000 into a … “coaching“
Take action: Fail. Learn. Repeat
At the end of the day, all the things I’ve talked about are only there to prepare you for challenges, that you will encounter.
Therefore, all of your self-improvement is worthless if you don’t take action.
You can read about how to make friends and influence people but you won’t ever truly learn it if you don’t apply the knowledge you’ve learnt.
So take action.
Speak to people
Approach that girl
Try that business
Fail. Learn. Repeat
You probably have a dozen business ideas , you wanna try out and don’t know where to start.
You’re not alone. A lot of people never take action because of that. It’s called “The Paradox Of Choice“
The solution is: “Try out SOMETHING“
Whatever it may be. You need to try out SOMETHING.
Imagine you are lost in a deep forest, with thick fog around you. You can’t see past the next 3 meters in front of you.
There are 10 paths, you can go down but only one of them is gonna lead you out of that forest successfully.
Option 1:
You go down one of these paths.
It may be the wrong one but if it is actually the wrong path, you just start all over again and go down the next one.
Now you have only 9 paths left and a lot more experience to determine whether the next path looks promising or not.
After each wrong path, repeat the process 10 times and you will get out of that forest successfully a 100%.
Option 2:
You can’t decide which path to pick because none of them look promising enough.
So you wait until the fog disappears but it doesn’t.
You sit there and continue to wait until the right moment when the fog disappears.
It doesn’t disappear.
Now there is a 0% chance of success, but still… you won’t get your ass up.
You wait there … and starve… to death.
You lost.
I would take option nr. 1 and you should too.
Do not starve to death.
Take action.