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- Discipline is a Lie
Discipline is a Lie
And You Are Believing it. 99% of People don't reach success because they believe this lie
A couple of months ago I stayed at this Co-Working hostel on Bali and met a LOT of super inspiring people.
But ONE of them destroyed my whole picture of how “success“ looked like.
ONE of them showed me, that “discipline“ as we know it was nothing but a filthy lie to create problems, that don’t really exist.
There was this one guy, who approached me, wondering who I was and why a 19-year-old would come to a co-working hostel in Bali since everyone there was a lot older than me.
He seemed pretty casual.
Didn’t have an outstanding body,
He didn’t meditate or ANY daily routine.
nor did he have immense confidence but he was extremely charismatic, helpful and respectful.
He woke up every morning at around 11 AM EARLIEST.
I woke up at 7 AM every morning and I had a great body so I felt superior to this guy at first like a dumbass.
Until someone told me, who he actually was.
His name was Borna Samadi.
And he was the Co-owner of Wolfe Labs Ventures
The Company, that did the product design of the Shiba Inu Coin.
Shiba Inu Coin Market Cap 2021

Insane to think, that this guy helped develop the coin, which made a lot of people rich.
The coin that had a Growth of 43,220,000% in 2021.
Borna turned out to be one of the nicest guys there and prevented me from signing a contract, that would’ve fucked my entire social media presence.
We spent a lot of nights at the co-working space talking about his experience becoming the man, he is today and one thing especially stood out to me:
He wasn’t “Disciplined“ in a way we would expect such a successful guy to be.
He didn’t go to the gym
Nor did he meditate,
nor did he journal,
Nor did he wake up early
nor did he even have a specific morning routine whatsoever.
The one thing that made him successful was…
Purpose is real Discipline

Now people mistake Discipline for Willpower.
Most people think, that Discipline means beating your inner demon every single day with sheer willpower.
They imagine disciplined people:
going to the gym every day although they hate it.
Working on their business every day although they hate it.
or practicing every day although they hate it.
That is as far from the truth as it can be.
The truth is, that this would require a lot of willpower.
And no human being has unlimited willpower.
Every will can be broken easily.
I don’t force myself to go the gym, nor to work on my business.
I do it because I have a purpose, that drives me to work on my business.
I wake up every morning, feeling like a 10yr old, who can continue building his Minecraft base.
These people don’t work 12 hours a day out of willpower.
And you shouldn’t even try to.
What you need isn’t “Discipline“. what you need is purpose.
I know: “bUt ToLU, I hAve A GrEaT pUrPose! I wAnT tO SeT My ParEnTs fRee“
Have you ever visualized, what happens if you don’t.
I have.
My dad will work for the rest of his life.
he will sacrifice the remaining years of his life to provide for me because I can’t provide for myself.
He will never be able to rest.
He will never live his life to the fullest.
My Mom will never see the places she wanted to see like Italy, Spain, Egypt, and many more
She will never be able to rest because she’d worry about my mental and financial well-being.
She will believe she failed as a mom.
She will hardly be able to finance her retirement.
This is what makes you obsessed with a goal.
That’s what makes you stand up in the morning and think
“Who am I gonna kill today to get my lunch money?“
That’s what makes you work 8 hours, 12 hours, 16 hours etc.
The Gym helps me run this track for miles without burning out.
So that’s what makes me go to the gym every day to continue working on my shit.
I wanna have a smart, beautiful wife, who will raise my kids to be great.
Greater than me.
So I look after myself. I dress well, I workout, I talk to as many people as I can, I learn out of my mistakes and self-reflect on what I did wrong and what I could do better as a partner or friend.
If I don’t, I might end up with a wife, that’ll divorce me and take my kids and 50% of my wealth with her.
And she might have been the perfect wife but I couldn’t see her value nor could I treat her accordingly.
What I’m trying to say is, that you need to stop following the common social media notion of “I AM RICH BECAUSE I DO WHAT I DON’T WANNA DO“
That is the most primitive way to go after your goals and it will only help you to sprint down the next 100m.
You will soon be outworked by others, who prepared to run a 10km marathon.
How do I find purpose now?

Ok cool, now we know your problem but how do you solve it?
Now believe me there is no such thing as “Something for Nothing“
So you need to ACTUALLY take action and do what I’m gonna tell you now
Step 1: Write down your ideal outcome
Take a notebook and write down your ideal life.
Ask yourself
“How would my life look like in 5 years if I performed 100% of how I could perform“
And be very specific here.
How does your day-to-day life look like in 5 years?
When do you wake up? When do you go to sleep?
Who do you hang out with? Would it be your current friends even?
Who do you work with?
What do you work on?
How many employees do you have?
When do you go to the gym?
How does your house look like?
Which car do you drive?
and so on
Step 2: Write down your current outcome
What would happen if you stay the way you do right now?
What would be the effect if you keep procrastinating, never go 100%, watch pxrn, keep your bad habits, don’t build better habits.
What is the outcome?
How would your parents feel?
How would your loved ones feel?
How would your life look like?
Would you enjoy it?
Or would you live in shame and regret?
Go into detail here as well.
Step 3: Read it out loud over and over again.
Read what was written down every day for 14 days.
After that read it every now and then to remind yourself
Make sure you read it with emotions.
Otherwise, this method will have 0 effect.
Visualize it.
What will your life look like if you don’t make a change?
You will see a massive difference within days.
DM me after the first 2 weeks and tell me how it worked.