how high is your chance of success?

0% and here's why


‘The chances of success for you are 0%.’

a friend of mine once told me right into my face.

Let me explain

  • you right now, are not ready.

  • you right now, won’t see a chance even if it’s sat in front of ur face.

  • you right now, couldn’t handle the pressure of earning $100.000/month.

The chances of you becoming successful are 0%.

The most stupid goal people make themselves is to make money

because it is non-controllable

you can’t control whether your next call is a sale

you can’t control whether people tomorrow reply to ur DMs

you can’t control effects.

all these things are the effect of different causes

YOu must control causes to ensure effects.

a reply to a DM is the result of you sending 30-50 DMs per day for months

somebody booking a call, is the result of you becoming better in Client acquisition

somebody buying your service, is the result of you becoming better in sales.

These are the things you can control.

  • How many DMs you send

  • How good your DMs are

  • How good you sell

And all of these aspects and many more can be summarized under the same prayer I pray, when I speak to god.

‘Don’t give me riches, influence & love. But help me become the man, who deserves to gain and keep the money, love, health & influence I desire‘

because then:

The Chances of me becoming successful will be 100%.

Chase controllables.
