just got robbed

no, seriously

I know it sounds ridiculous.

I remember it like yesterday when my mom gave me a call, asking whether I was "Enjoying Bali."

"Yeah sure"

What she didn't know was, that I was picking up her call, whilst sitting inside a random car in Indonesia with 3 of my friends hunting down the person, who robbed us of a 4-figure amount of cash.

I got robbed.

As I was staring at my $2.300 Macbook by the pool on Bali (no flex) I thought...

Life is too good to be true right now.

My Brands just reached a combined total of 500.000 Followers.

That’s more than 8 Superbowls

I was sipping coconuts on Bali (With beautiful women)

I was Learning to fight Martial Arts (Without beautiful women)

Met amazing entrepreneurs & most importantly:

I Learned the most valuable knowledge about closing clients through my personal Brand from LITERAL Millionaires.

Life was great.

Going to Bed my best friend Pharrell, who I started my business with, asked:

"Yo I'm going out tonight. Wanna come?"

"Nah I'm tired af. I'll see you tomorrow" I said

"Aight G."

He looked at his iPhone 14 to book a Taxi and went off.

after going to bed and getting around 4 hours of sleep.

something grabbed me.

Something grabbed me & shook me like a cocktail.


It was Pharrell

"Pharrell it's 3am!" (I wanted to rip his head off)

"Tolu. We got robbed." (I didn't want to rip his head off anymore)

His phone worth 1.4k with all the videos & clips & photos were GONE.

13GB of Content on his phone. GONE. (Bro had no iCloud cringe🫢)

My will to live. GONE.

"But I have the robbers location" Pharrell said with hope in his voice.

Arriving at the "Police" I was ridiculed bcs. I was Muslim & the whole situation in "the East" just picked up.

We went in reporting, that his phone was gone.

The officer looked me in my eyes.

Then looked down to my feet.

Then again to my eyes, scanning me like I'm a P- Star.

"U muslim?"


"YOu see what's happening in P-tine?"

"Yeah, why?" I said

"POww Poww Poww." 

He was showing explosions with his hands whilst laughing at me

That is when I understood...

For the next few days, I will be hunting an Indonesian thief through an Island I don't know...

Of which the language I don't know...

Without knowing whether I'd get that phone back or nah...


So we made us on our way and went through every phone store near the phone’s last GPS location.

We thought they could’ve possibly tried to sell it to them

After entering 17 Stores, we realized.

These guys ain't gonna give us ANY info.

Some kinda gang code (idk.)

It took us 4 days.

Until the phone's GPS stopped being tracked & apparently got broken down into parts to get sold on the black market.

Luckily I had a 2nd phone, which I gave to Pharrell (Personal Brand Paid.)

Which is why I lost 13GB of content from Bali and have 2GB of my phone left


Pharrell if you read this:

Give me my damn 2nd phone back before I find your lazy ass, it's been a year & you got a new one.

I know you read my E-mails.


P.S. Whenever you're ready, there is a way I can help you.

The reason I can live the stories I tell you and I will one day tell my grandchildren, is because I close clients through social media.

I am looking to take 2 people under my wing to get them 5 high-ticket clients through Instagram like I did.

(Can't take more because otherwise I can't provide 100% results and I work on a pay-on-results basis.)

If you're interested, feel free to apply here >>>Apply

We accept around 13% of people

Not because I hate money but because I only get paid based on my results so if you profit, I profit.

If you don't, I don't.

And that's not some marketing scheme.

Most people just don't have the dedication.

So I must pick.

So if you're dedicated, feel free to apply.