leave ur home bro

its that thing, holding u back

Im serious.

If you're like me back then and you’re in this weird purgatory, where you don't fit into your old friend group but you can't fit into a new friend group either, you need to leave.

You are too distant from your old friends and not distant enough to meet with new people.

which means...

"The only way out is through."
-J. Peterson

The day I left my home was the day I turned into an entrepreneur.

Your problem is, that your surroundings right now stem from your choice of friends, when you were a kid.

Which means:

Your current environment may not fit you nor support you.

However if you LEAVE your home & start going into new environments, you will attract new people.

New friends with your interests, your goals & your path of life.

You feel lost because nobody will go with you onto the path you want to go on.

The day I left was when

  • I started my business

  • my personal brand exploded

  • I made my first couple 1000s a month online

  • I met my mentor

  • met my business partner

  • Found a new circle of friends

  • Had the best months of my entire life

It's scary

but it's exactly what you need.

The only way out is through.
