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what chip is in your iPhone?

Think about it…

No idea?

Me neither

Nobody knows

You know why?

Cause nobody gives a F#ck

Nobody buys an iPhone because of what’s inside the phone

You and Me. We buy iPhones because there is a massive brand behind Apple,

that represents

  • innovation,

  • think different,

  • high-quality

  • expensive (high status)

Android Phones have passed Apple ages ago when it comes to performance.

Now you might think, that Apple is doing EVERYTHING to have the best tech on the market.

They don’t

They invest all their money into more marketing because they have understood one thing.

People don’t care about the product.

People care about what other people associate that product with.

We Associate Rolex With Success

Nike with “Just do it“

Tesla with innovation

These associations are what we call a “Brand“.

That is why you have an iPhone.

That is why I have people approaching me to work with me.

That is why I met my mentor in Bali at 19

That is why an Agency Owner gave me his course worth 5 figures

That is why I traveled the world and have stories to tell to my grandchildren when it’s time.

Because I have a “Brand

And that is why people like

  1. Iman Gadzhi

  2. Charlie Morgan

  3. Callum Carver

  4. Alex Hormozi

  5. Sebastian Ghiorghiou

All started their first businesses by building a brand.

Because it’s the easiest way of getting into business.

and if you’re anything like me, you have tried one of these:

  • Theme Pages

  • E-Commerce

  • SMMA

  • Videography

and if you’re anything like me, you are looking to build your online-Business.

Correct me if I’m wrong but if I’m right… Welcome to my offer

For full transparency:

the next sentences are designed to book you on a call with me.

I am telling you because I don’t wanna pitch you anything without your permission. (happens to me 24/7 and I’m full of it)

So, If you’re not committed to scaling your online business, you’re free to leave.

If you are… Check this out.

I am taking 3 committed lads under my wing.

These will get access to me and my whole team to close their first clients and earn anything between $5k-$7k after 12 weeks.

And here is the part, where most people click and understand, we’re the real deal:

We work on a pay-on-results basis.

If you don’t close 5 clients in 12 weeks to get to $5k-$10k/month …

I will personally work with you for free until you do.

Cause that’s my mistake.

Not yours.

So I take the risk.

If you don’t profit, We don’t profit.

Simple as that.

If you wanna know a little more about what I do and whether I can help you…

Then go ahead and apply to book a call with me.

(It’s just a demo call so no pressure here. You can leave your card at home. It’s just to find out whether we can work with you or not)

(I will only accept the first 3 of you as I need to focus on all 3 of y’all without distractions)
