Speed. And I don't mean the svbst@nce. "Perfectionism" is today's synonym for laziness.
It's as easy as childsplay and people are missing out on this unfair advantage.
I Manipulate my followers on Instagram. I am shooting myself in the foot by showing you this.
And You Are Believing it. 99% of People don't reach success because they believe this lie
Here's how to get rid of it.
Or You Will Regret It when you're 40+
And that's why you fail
Attention is getting sold. Profit out of it or suffer under it.
No it's not dropshipping.
My name is Tolunay. I'm 19 years old, I successfully escaped the ratrace before Puberty. Why can't you?
This Is Your Sign To Risk it all. I did it too. I Never Felt Regret.